national ignition facility造句
- The laser project formally is known as the National Ignition Facility.
- The largest system using this method is the National Ignition Facility.
- The LMJ is the French equivalent of the National Ignition Facility.
- It is known somewhat dully as the National Ignition Facility.
- Livermore plans to further that research in a new National Ignition Facility.
- From then on the plans evolved into the current National Ignition Facility.
- Physicists recently devised some new tricks to add muscle to the National Ignition Facility.
- The $ 4 billion National Ignition Facility will fire 192 lasers at one target.
- The report supports construction of the super-laser, called the National Ignition Facility.
- Chirp pulsed amplification became instrumental in building the National Ignition Facility and the Omega EP system.
- It's difficult to see national ignition facility in a sentence. 用national ignition facility造句挺难的
- Miller is expected to undertake a far-reaching evaluation of the status of the National Ignition Facility.
- Engineers, scientists and technicians at work on target positioner inside National Ignition Facility ( NIF ) target chamber
- Activists are fighting the proposed National Ignition Facility, slated for construction at the lab in the late 1990s.
- He also criticized the building of the National Ignition Facility, saying it was not essential for stockpile stewardship.
- The National Ignition Facility, known as NIF, is designed to study hydrogen bomb explosions without testing real weapons.
- "With the National Ignition Facility, we'll be able to set a log on fire ."
- For example, the construction of the National Ignition Facility cost $ 5 billion and took seven years longer than expected.
- The so-called National Ignition Facility would be the world's biggest laser _ the size of a football field.
- The laser, the National Ignition Facility, is designed to mimic some conditions at the heart of an exploding hydrogen bomb.
- Lawrence Livermore is building the much-delayed National Ignition Facility, now expected to be fully completed no earlier than 2008.
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